
Andrey Ostashov
Andrey Ostashov • Series "Seven Samurai"
Bronze, granite. 14 × 14, h=35

The series "Seven Samurai" was born and reflections on the character of men. This is an ironic view of our most pronounced lines of behavior. In real life, they certainly often help to achieve results. We have our own opinion about ourselves - we consider ourselves strong or unsurpassed in certain areas of activity. And, sometimes, we do not want to agree that sometimes it looks funny. To look at yourself with humor, not to take yourself so seriously, to give the opportunity to reveal other qualities in yourself that will lead to new results and, perhaps, they will be more extraordinary. Harmonize all forces within yourself so as to live in harmony with yourself, with the community, while fulfilling your special and amazing mystery of life. The path of a true hero does not always run alongside the road of a heroic character from a movie.